bankruptcy due to medical bills

Out-of-network Insurance Practices Face Scrutiny

Out-of-network Insurance Practices Face Scrutiny 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

Great article from The Washington Post about the investigation into deliberate low-balling of out of network reimbursements for consumers.  Accountability and transparency is needed in how insurance companies determine out-of-network…

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Bargaining Down the Medical Bills

Bargaining Down the Medical Bills 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

Below is a recent New York Times article suggesting that consumers take responsibility for lowering the cost of their health care bills.  Most consumers find it difficult to negotiate with…

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For Uninsured Young Adults, Do-It-Yourself Health Care

For Uninsured Young Adults, Do-It-Yourself Health Care 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

This is an excellent article in the New York Times about young people who avoid purchasing health insurance because their age makes them feel invulnerable or because health insurance policies are too expensive. …

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Health Care Costs Increase Strain, Studies Find

Health Care Costs Increase Strain, Studies Find 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

In a recent article by New York Times reporter Reed Abelson, she highlights findings of two studies describing the financial toll that health care is placing on working families – even those with…

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