Help with insurance

Three States Where Obamacare Premiums May Rise More Than 50% in 2018

Three States Where Obamacare Premiums May Rise More Than 50% in 2018 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

As of this writing, the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, still remains the law of the land, despite efforts to repeal and replace it. The uncertainty about where…

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A New Plan to Replace the ACA

A New Plan to Replace the ACA 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

With the effort to amend/repeal/replace the Affordable Care Act, we are currently one plan down and one to go. The first attempt to enact a new plan failed to come…

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Medical Debts Put Patients at Risk of Financial Collapse

Medical Debts Put Patients at Risk of Financial Collapse 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

The crisis of American health care is not limited to uninsured people, unable to pay for their care. This article shows a deepening problem of working people with insurance unable…

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Rivals Jockey for Roles in Insurance Exchanges

Rivals Jockey for Roles in Insurance Exchanges 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

The implementation of Health Care Exchanges has begun as part of the ramp up to the large changes in health care scheduled for 2014. The benefits of these websites will be…

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