medical billing errors

How to curb runaway medical costs

How to curb runaway medical costs 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

Here’s an article that details some of the factors behind the ever increasing costs of healthcare in the US. Ken Alltucker A good doctor can help guide us to a…

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Enlisting Help for a Lower Bill

Enlisting Help for a Lower Bill 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

A great article from The New York Times Online that talks about the many challenges people face when sick, underinsured or have no insurance.  Here is a list of steps…

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Medical Advocates Save Money on Medical Bills

Medical Advocates Save Money on Medical Bills 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

The error rate in medical bills is astoundingly high. Fully 8 out of 10 medical bills contain errors of various kinds. At Medical Cost Advocate we believe there is no…

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