medical bill assistance

How Not To Get "Hurt" Giving Birth: Medical Billing Tips for Parents

How Not To Get "Hurt" Giving Birth: Medical Billing Tips for Parents 300 163 Medical Cost Advocate

The Cost of Giving Birth: What Expecting Parents Should Know About Medical Billing Giving birth in America comes with a lot of costs, some disclosed and some not. It is possible to…

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Why does it cost $32,093 just to give birth in America?

Why does it cost $32,093 just to give birth in America? 620 372 Medical Cost Advocate

Our company receives many inquiries like this. Stella had approached us last April, emotionally distraught over the thousands of dollars in medical bills she was receiving related to the premature…

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When Health Costs Harm Your Credit

When Health Costs Harm Your Credit 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

By ELISABETH ROSENTHAL New York Times This is an excellent article outlining the problems people can run into by allowing medical bills to go unpaid. It takes a long time…

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Driving a New Bargain in Health Care

Driving a New Bargain in Health Care 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

By TYLER COWEN, professor of economics at George Mason University Interesting piece on possible compromises that both political parties could agree to in improving the health care law. The Affordable…

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How to Charge $546 for Six Liters of Saltwater

How to Charge $546 for Six Liters of Saltwater 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

This article exposes some of the ways medical product suppliers and hospitals mark up products, sometimes 1,000 times, to capture profitable revenue from sick patients and their insurance companies.  Another example…

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For Obamacare, Some Hurdles Still Ahead

For Obamacare, Some Hurdles Still Ahead 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

President Obama and his advisers hope the healthcare overhaul will do two things. The first is to extend coverage to tens of millions of Americans who today lack health insurance.…

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Tips for Lowering Your Medical Bills

Tips for Lowering Your Medical Bills 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

Don’t be intimidated by high medical bills. What patients don’t realize is a review to find errors and working with the provider can often enable you to reduce medical bills. To…

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Health Care Reform Rules Give Patients A New Bill Of Rights

Health Care Reform Rules Give Patients A New Bill Of Rights 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

Health Care Reform initiatives have yielded a new “Patient Bill of Rights” since November. There will be a great number of changes enacted in 2013 leading up to 2014 when…

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Hospital Bills Disputed by Patients

Hospital Bills Disputed by Patients 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

As the Health Care Reform Act is implemented over the next two years there will continue to be disputes between Insurers and providers regarding payment. Providers often take large discounts…

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Sixteen percent of Americans unable to pay medical bills, according to Consumer Reports’ Trouble Tracker Index

Sixteen percent of Americans unable to pay medical bills, according to Consumer Reports’ Trouble Tracker Index 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

Medical Cost Advocate recently appeared in the September issue of Consumer Reports. One of the key points of this article is the assertion that consumers should line up a medical…

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