Medical Cost Advocate Merges into Benefit Navigation Company Emry Health Read More
Medical Cost Advocate Merges into Benefit Navigation Company Emry Health Read More

healthcare advocacy

Trump and Congress Tried to Make Coronavirus Testing and Treatment Free, but People are Still Getting Big Bills when They Go to the Hospital

Trump and Congress Tried to Make Coronavirus Testing and Treatment Free, but People are Still Getting Big Bills when They Go to the Hospital 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

In the early stages of the pandemic, the rules regarding insurance and patient billing for a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis were not very clear. One must do his/her due…

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How Not To Get "Hurt" Giving Birth: Medical Billing Tips for Parents

How Not To Get "Hurt" Giving Birth: Medical Billing Tips for Parents 300 163 Medical Cost Advocate

The Cost of Giving Birth: What Expecting Parents Should Know About Medical Billing Giving birth in America comes with a lot of costs, some disclosed and some not. It is possible to…

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New Proposal Aims to Address Rising Out-of-pocket Health Care Costs: Prospect for Bipartisanship?

New Proposal Aims to Address Rising Out-of-pocket Health Care Costs: Prospect for Bipartisanship? 587 391 Medical Cost Advocate

Republicans and Democrats have an opportunity to work together to come up with reforms to address the high cost of health care. A draft discussion was recently released addressing surprise…

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States Are Cleared to Allow Less-Comprehensive Health Plans

States Are Cleared to Allow Less-Comprehensive Health Plans 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

Many families are searching for options in the individual insurance markets. This year we are seeing more non-traditional options added to the mix. This article describes how the US Government…

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Medical Cost Advocate was featured in a documentary by a French journalist

Medical Cost Advocate was featured in a documentary by a French journalist 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

A French journalist from CAPA TV (the equivalent of 60 Minutes in the US) came to our office and interviewed our CEO Derek Fitteron regarding our advocacy services. The interview…

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Why does it cost $32,093 just to give birth in America?

Why does it cost $32,093 just to give birth in America? 620 372 Medical Cost Advocate

Our company receives many inquiries like this. Stella had approached us last April, emotionally distraught over the thousands of dollars in medical bills she was receiving related to the premature…

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Changes to the Affordable Care Act

Changes to the Affordable Care Act 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

This week President Trump made the first move to begin the replacement of the Affordable Care Act. By issuing this executive order, this will drive immediate compliance. However, it will…

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The Affordable Care Act after Six years

The Affordable Care Act after Six years 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

Excellent summary from the Kaiser Family Foundation that clears up some of the confusion around where the Affordable Care Act fits in the overall healthcare system By Drew Altman, president and…

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Surprise Medical Bills

Surprise Medical Bills 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

This is an excellent article published by the Kaiser Family Foundation reporting on a survey finding that 7 in 10 individuals with out-of-network bills didn’t know their health care provider was not participating…

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This Could Be the Obamacare Outcome we've All Been Waiting For

This Could Be the Obamacare Outcome we've All Been Waiting For 150 150 Medical Cost Advocate

This often-overlooked long-term goal of Obamacare may be finding the mark according to this latest study from the American Cancer Society. The third open enrollment period for the Affordable Care…

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